How To Get Rid of Perfume Smell on Furniture.

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Are you tired of lingering perfume odors invading your living space? This can be such a frustrating experience and calls for a quick action.

How To Get Rid of Perfume Smell on Furniture

Thankfully, there are various ways on how to get rid of perfume smell lingering on your furniture.

In this article, we’ll unveil the ultimate solution to banishing those stubborn fragrances from your beloved furniture. Whether it’s a couch, chair, or table, we’ve got you covered.

No more holding your breath or resorting to costly replacements. With our simple yet effective techniques, you’ll be able to restore your furniture’s natural freshness.

How To Get Rid of Perfume Smell on Furniture

Below are five ways to remove perfume smell on your furniture;

  1. Using Baking Soda and Vacuum
  2. The Advanced Baking Soda Spray Method
  3. Vinegar Spray for A Deeper Clean
  4. Use of Citrus Enzyme Cleaners
  5. Using Activated Charcoal
  6. Use Coffee Grounds
  7. Use A Bleaching Agent

Let’s explore each method above;

1. Using Baking Soda and Vacuum

Baking soda, a natural and remarkable odor absorber, holds the key to refreshing your used couch and eliminating unpleasant smells.

If you have furniture with fabric upholstery, here’s a simple technique: grab a salt shaker or a similar dispenser, fill it with baking soda, and generously sprinkle it over the furniture you wish to revive.

Patience is key when it comes to baking soda’s magical work. Allow it ample time to neutralize those odor-causing particles.

Ideally, give it an hour, but for more stubborn situations, leaving the baking soda on overnight (if it won’t be scattered by pets) can work wonders.

Once the time is up, grab your trusty vacuum cleaner and thoroughly suck up all the baking soda. Voila! Your fabrics should be revitalized and smelling fresh.

It’s important to note that baking soda’s effectiveness may vary depending on the specific odor or overall staleness of your furniture. While it easily neutralizes acidic compounds, it may not tackle every problem with equal success.

2. The Advanced Baking Soda Spray Method

If you find yourself short on time to apply baking soda to your furniture’s upholstery and give it a thorough clean, there’s an alternative solution worth trying: a homemade spray. Prepare a small spray bottle and combine the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • A few drops of your favorite scented oil, such as lavender
  • Warm water

Give the bottle a good shake to ensure everything mixes well, then spray the solution onto your fabrics for a quick and safe freshening effect.

The scented oil will help mask any lingering odors, while the light layer of baking soda goes to work.

It’s crucial to find the right balance, ensuring the oil isn’t overpowering and the baking soda doesn’t leave any noticeable residue. Some experimentation may be necessary.

This spray solution can also be used to remove stains on a mattress.

3. Vinegar Spray for A Deeper Clean

When it comes to combating serious stains and dirt issues that have left your furniture with an unpleasant smell, a mere sprinkle of baking soda just won’t cut it.

If you’re wondering how to freshen up your couch and eliminate odors, a deeper cleaning approach is necessary to tackle the root cause. Gather the following ingredients for a powerful solution:

  • ½ tablespoon of liquid soap (dish soap works fine)
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar
  • ¾ cup of water

Now, let’s delve into the process of rejuvenating your furniture fabric using this concoction: Begin by spraying the solution onto the fabric, ensuring thorough coverage.

Use a sturdy scrubbing brush to work the mixture into the fabric. Once done, switch to a pail of clean water and continue scrubbing until the soapy residue vanishes.

Allow the area to air dry or, for a quicker drying time, relocate that particular section of the furniture outdoors.

Keep in mind that vinegar possesses acidic properties, which may harm delicate fabrics. Employ this method solely on durable fabrics and, as a precautionary measure, test a small, inconspicuous area to confirm the fabric’s resilience.

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4. Use of Citrus Enzyme Cleaners

Proteins known as enzymes possess incredible properties for breaking down various substances, making them a valuable asset in the realm of natural cleaning and revitalization.

With the ability to effectively eliminate odor-causing particles, enzymes prove particularly effective in addressing persistent issues like urine stains that have seeped into wooden furniture.

However, it’s important to ensure that the enzymes used are alive and active for optimal results.

While an array of enzyme sprays can be conveniently purchased online, you also have the option of crafting your own solution. Bear in mind, though, that this DIY recipe calls for precise measurements, an ample supply of citrus peels, and a healthy dose of patience.

So, if you’re up for the challenge, prepare to unlock the potential of living enzymes and restore your furniture to its former glory.

5. Using Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal surpasses baking soda in its effectiveness as an adsorbent and odor eliminator, targeting a broader range of particles.

However, directly applying this purified charcoal dust on your furniture may result in unsightly stains.

Luckily, there’s a practical solution! Opt for convenient freshener bags filled with activated charcoal.

Simply tuck these discreet bags into the corners of your furniture, and let them work their magic in reducing unpleasant odors.

Not only will your furniture remain pristine, but you’ll also enjoy the benefits of activated charcoal’s superior odor-fighting properties.

6. Use Coffee Grounds

Did you know that coffee grounds can be your secret weapon against persistent perfume smells on your furniture?

Yes, those trusty coffee grounds aren’t just for brewing your morning cup of joe. Just like perfume stores use them, coffee grounds have incredible odor-absorbing properties.

Consider them your all-natural, absorbent sponge for eliminating foul odors. Think of it as a powerful shotgun blast rather than a precise sniper shot.

To banish that lingering perfume scent from your wooden furniture, follow these simple steps:

  1. Grab a plate, bowl, or any container and fill it with coffee grounds.
  2. Place the container in the affected area, whether it’s a drawer, armoire, or closet.
  3. Allow the coffee grounds to work their magic and absorb the scent over a few days.
  4. If the odor lingers, replace the coffee grounds with fresh ones.
  5. Repeat the process until your furniture is free from any perfume smells.

With this effective and natural solution, you’ll be saying goodbye to unwanted fragrances and hello to a fresh, clean home.

7. Use A Bleaching Agent

Bleach, the superhero of any well-stocked cleaning cupboard, is renowned for its ability to obliterate odors and deodorize like a pro.

When it comes to banishing perfume smells from wooden furniture, bleach can be a lifesaver. However, it’s crucial to handle it with care.

Dilution is the key, as undiluted bleach can strip away the wood’s varnish or stain.

Keep in mind that bleach works best for spot cleaning. For larger fragrance dilemmas, turn to trusty alternatives like baking soda, coffee grounds, or charcoal.

To effectively use bleach for eliminating perfume odors from your cherished wooden furniture:

  1. Dilute the bleach in water at a ratio of 1:100 (1 part bleach to 100 parts water). For instance, mix ⅓ cup of bleach with 2 gallons of water (or 80ml:8l). If you’re concerned about potential staining, opt for a higher dilution of 1:500 (1 tsp bleach in 10 cups of water, or 5ml:2.5l).
  2. Immerse a cloth in the diluted bleach or, for smaller amounts, use a clean spray bottle (remember, prolonged exposure can damage the bottle’s spraying mechanism).
  3. Gently wipe the affected area with the bleach solution.
  4. Allow the bleach to penetrate the wood for approximately thirty minutes.
  5. Rinse the bleach solution by wiping the furniture with a damp cloth.
  6. If any lingering bleach odor remains, use a scented wood cleaner after rinsing to restore a pleasant fragrance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Neutralize Perfume Smell in House?

Put white vinegar in a bowl and place it strategically in the house as it absorbs perfume odors. Another solution can be to burn unscented candles.

Lastly, lay charcoal briquettes in a bowl and leave them in the room.

How Do You Neutralize Perfume on Fabric?

To neutralize perfume on fabric, soak it in baking soda before washing it. Also, use lemon juice in the water you’ll be using to wash it.


In conclusion, banishing perfume smells from your furniture is no longer an insurmountable challenge. By employing the effective techniques and solutions discussed in this article, you can restore your furniture’s natural freshness and reclaim your living space.

From using diluted bleach for spot cleaning to resorting to baking soda, coffee grounds, or charcoal for larger problems, you now have a range of options at your disposal.

Remember to take precautions and test any method on a small, inconspicuous area first.

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